
Diversity is a Julia package that provides functionality for measuring alpha, beta and gamma diversity of metacommunities (e.g. ecosystems) and their constituent subcommunities. It uses the diversity measures described in the arXiv paper arXiv:1404.6520 (q-bio.QM), How to partition diversity. It also provides a series of other related and older diversity measures through sub-modules. Currently these are all ecological diversity measures, but this will be expanded, possibly through interfacing to BioJulia.

This package is in beta now, but is cross-validated against our R package boydorr/rdiversity, which is developed independently, so please raise an issue if you find any problems. We now use a DataFrame as the common output format for all of the diversity calculations to provide consistency with our R package rdiversity. The code is certainly not optimised for speed at the moment due to the substantial changes that have happened to it under the hood, and the Phylogenetics submodule is also new, and may need further improvements.

Version 0.4, which has been recently released, has significant breaking changes to the underlying code, whuch mean it is no longer compatible with Julia v0.5. It is periodically working with Julia nightly and I aim to keep it that way (though other packages need to be updated too). Older interfaces from v0.2 have been removed in v0.4.


Diversity is in METADATA and can be installed via Pkg.add("Diversity").



The main package provides basic numbers-equivalent diversity measures (described in Hill, 1973), similarity-sensitive diversity measures (generalised from Hill, and described in Leinster and Cobbold, 2012), and related alpha, beta and gamma diversity measures at the level of the metacommunity and its component subcommunities (generalised in turn from Leinster and Cobbold, and described in arXiv:1404.6520 (q-bio.QM)). The diversity functions exist both with unicode names (e.g. ᾱ()), which are not automatically exported as we feel they are too short and with matching ascii names (e.g. NormalisedAlpha()), which are. We also provide a general function for extract any diversity measure for a series of subcommunity relative abundances.

Getting started

Before calculating diversity a Metacommunity object must be created. This object contains all the information needed to calculate diversity.

# Load the package into Julia
using Diversity

# Example population
pop = [1 1 0; 2 0 0; 3 1 4]
pop = pop / sum(pop)

# Create Metacommunity object
meta = Metacommunity(pop)

Calculating diversity

First we need to calculate the low-level diversity component seperately, by passing a metacommunity object to the appropriate function; RawAlpha(), NormalisedAlpha(), RawBeta(), NormalisedBeta(), RawRho(), NormalisedRho(), or Gamma().

# First, calculate the normalised alpha component
component = NormalisedAlpha(meta)

Afterwhich, subdiv() or metadiv() are used to calculate subcommunity or metacommunity diversity, respectively (since both subcommunity and metacommunity diversity measures are transformations of the same low-level components, this is computationally more efficient).

# Then, calculate species richness of the subcommunities
subdiv(component, 0)

# or the average (alpha) species richness across the whole population
metadiv(component, 0)

# We can also generate a diversity profile by calculating multiple q-values simultaneously
df = subdiv(component, 0:30)

In some instances, it may be useful to calculate all subcommunity (or metacommunity) measures. In which case, a Metacommunity object may be passed directly to subdiv() or metadiv():

# To calculate all subcommunity diversity measures
subdiv(meta, 0:2)

# To calculate all metacommunity diversity measures
metadiv(meta, 0:2)

Alternatively, if computational efficiency is not an issue, a single measure of diversity may be calculated directly by calling a wrapper function:

norm_sub_alpha(meta, 0:2)

A complete list of these functions is shown below:

  • raw_sub_alpha() : per-subcommunity estimate of naive-community metacommunity diversity
  • norm_sub_alpha() : similarity-sensitive diversity of each subcommunity in isolation
  • raw_sub_rho() : redundancy of individual subcommunities
  • norm_sub_rho() : representativeness of individual subcommunities
  • raw_sub_beta() : distinctiveness of individual subcommunities
  • norm_sub_beta() : per-subcommunity estimate of effective number of distinct subcommunities
  • sub_gamma() : contribution per individual in a subcommunity toward metacommunity diversity
  • raw_meta_alpha() : naive-community metacommunity diversity
  • norm_meta_alpha() : average similarity-sensitive diversity of subcommunities
  • raw_meta_rho() : average redundancy of subcommunities
  • norm_meta_rho() : average representativeness of subcommunities
  • raw_meta_beta() : average distinctiveness of subcommunities
  • norm_meta_beta() : effective number of distinct subcommunities
  • meta_gamma() : metacommunity similarity-sensitive diversity


Phylogenetic diversity (described here) is included in the Diversity.Phylogenetics submodule. Documentation for these diversity measures can be found here. The phylogenetics code relies on the Phylo package to generate trees to incorporate into the diversity code:

julia> using Diversity, Phylo, Diversity.Phylogenetics
Creating Diversity to Phylo interface...

julia> communities = [4 1; 3 2; 1 0; 0 1] / 12;

julia> nt = rand(Nonultrametric(4))
NamedTree phylogenetic tree with 7 nodes and 6 branches
Leaf names:
String["tip 1", "tip 2", "tip 3", "tip 4"]

julia> metaphylo = Metacommunity(communities, PhyloTypes(nt));

julia> raw_meta_rho(metaphylo, [1, 2])
2×8 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ div_type     │ measure │ q │ type_level │ type_name │ partition_level │ partition_name │ diversity │
│ 1   │ Phylogenetic │ RawRho  │ 1 │ types      │           │ metacommunity   │       │ 1.80666   │
│ 2   │ Phylogenetic │ RawRho  │ 2 │ types      │           │ metacommunity   │       │ 1.7056    │